Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Site Coming

I was going to have updates every day, and was getting good with updating.
But the last couple days I haven't updated, after a surge of updates.

So here's the explanation to the random surge of updates.
For starters, I was sick and away from school for two, so I simply had the time for once.

Do you remember the post I made last week or whatever asking how I can improve? Well only two hardcore dudes replied to my call, and they actually gave me good tips and ideas. I'm going to sort of combine these ideas with things I already had kicking around in my head.

Which brings me to the second reason, there is a new site on the way that I'm working on, with new goodies that will be implemented.

It's going to (hopefully) rock, so you better stay tuned for when it goes live!

Keep on rocking! \m/